Thursday, June 2, 2011


Redemption is the word on my mind today. As Christians it is a word often used, but I don't know how well we understand it.

For those of us who have BIG THINGS in our past I believe redemption is key to our understanding of who we are in Christ. It is recognizing God's forgiveness and the salvation He gave us simply because He loved us and wanted a relationship with us.

Without redemption we are still walking scarred, flawed, remembering with clarity our failures and feeling that we are one decision away to returning to our old life.

I was trying to think about what redemption might look like. At first I thought of a purse. The compliment to the perfect outfit that God has given us. But then I thought how we could easily put down the purse and walk away without it... that won't work.

Then I thought that redemption could be a shirt. It's a gift, something we put on and people can see it. But still, as discouragement comes we can decide we are no longer worthy of the gift God gave and take it off - revealing the scars and identity of the past.

Now listen - I am not a fan of tattoos (think you will all look really silly when you are 92 with those things on), but this is the picture that I believe best represents redemption. It's a conscious decision to put it on. It's personal and it's permanent. It is something that God intends for us to keep with us forever. It is not temporary but even more than that, it reflects WHO's we are. Anyone can get one, but it does come at a price, but the ultimate price has already been paid.

Come to Jesus and He will change your life forever. His grace is sufficient for you.

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,"
Ephesians 1:7 ESV


  1. Great post Rochelle! I love how you used the analogy of a tattoo to explain what redemption is. Permanent! I am so thankful I've been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb!

    Nice hooking up with you through blogging. Feel free to visit me here:

  2. Thanks Barbie! I appreciate the kind words. I look forward to getting to read your blog. I also saw your post on my friend Joanne Kraft's blog. I went to high school with Joanne... I'm so excited to read her book. Have you read it yet?
