Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Organizer of the Event

2 Chronicles 16: 7,9,12

vs. 7 "...Because you relied on the King of Syria and not the Lord, the King of Syria has escaped you."

vs. 12 "...yet even in his disease he did not seek the Lord but sought help from physicians."

vs. 9 "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him."

I picture someone in charge of a large event - a walkie talkie in hand briskly walking around looking for problems and issues that can arise, ready to solve them. Someone you could easily go to if you needed directions or if you needed assistance, even offering to walk you over to the place you are trying to find. If I went over to just an attendee of the event, they in no way could help me like the organizer could. If I needed something in an emergency they wouldn't have the resources available to give me everything I needed. The organizer would have planned for potential needs that came up. He would have resources and pull to get me what I needed. In this picture that organizer is my Lord and the big event is my life.

So what that tells me is you have known since the beginning of time, those weeks when I'm going to have one of "those" weeks. You have a plan and a way out. You are equipped and ready to give me all the support I need. You are not worried and you may be wondering why I am because You have everything under control. You know the way out of this crowd of chaos and You know what I need to solve the problem I'm facing. You have all the resources available and all You have to do is call it into existence. I can have peace in my circumstances because I am with the organizer of the event. I am safe in Your presence.

Sometimes I feel like I'm lost in the crowd at a chaotic event. In those times, I don't feel safe and with all the chaos I don't see a solution. With every turn it feels like I am even more lost and I feel like I'm losing track of the things I care about. Your word promises strong support. I believe I will find the Lost and Found station and soon I will be reconnected with who I care about. Away from all the craziness of the crowd, I will be able to hear myself think again. If I am injured, there will be a First Aid Station next door where I can get my injuries attended to. You have already thought of what I would need today. The resources are already in place - I just have to keep walking until I find them. I trust there will be signs along the way to help me find what I need. There will be places of refreshments and even benches to sit down and rest along the way.

The crowd may be loud and chaotic. It may take longer than I anticipated, but You have already planned it all out and I don't need to worry. I just need to trust You. You know what I need and You will never let me down. Thank you for being my strong support today. I love you Lord.

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