Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do as I say, not as I do?

Reading from Matthew 23 today...

I thought it was interesting that Christ said to the crowds and his disciples about the Pharasees, "practice and observe what they tell you, but don't do what they do. They preach, but they don't practice." Harsh... but isn't that what we do?

We are so quick to see how others should live. Trouble is, we are blind to the way we are living. What do we reflect in our own lives? Are we busy telling everyone else how to live, but neglecting to "live it"?

Where the mirror or better yet the magnifying glass gets really big for me here is in my children's lives. Because at home is where the rubber meets the road. Do my children see me pray? Do they see me spending time with God? Because they also hear my words that can be harsh and judgmental sometimes. They see how I spend my time and my attitudes. My heart cries for authenticity in my own life, but I have to ask myself today if my actions do. I want to make sure that in our house, Christ wouldn't say... "children practice and observe what your mom says, just don't do what she does".

I desire an authentic life living for God. Living it out with humbleness (required by scripture, not because I am naturally humble), grace (that only God can give), and transparency (as a choice). Lord, teach me again today.

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