Sunday, January 31, 2010

Burning Building

On my way to church today I saw a scene that captured my attention in a big way. There was an old building that used to house a church here in town. The church had moved to another facility several years ago and this building has stood empty since they left.

Today the parking lot and adjacent field was filled with fire engines, fire marshalls, many other official looking cars and a bulldozer. This was obviously a training event for the fire department.

As I drove by I looked at the burning building and thought of all the awesome things that church had experienced together as the body of Christ. There had been life changing events: decisions for Christ, weddings, funerals, baby dedications, people called into full time ministry, etc. That building had been committed to the work of God in Lacey WA.

Although the legacy of this church continues elsewhere in town, this building had witnessed so much and now was going down in flames sure to be rubble by the day's end. My first thought was tearful and I wondered if this was the state of the church today. Was it burning down?

My next thought quickly overpowered the first one. I am the body of Christ - I am the temple. Before I look at anything else I need to ask the question of myself... What's the condition of this church (me)? Is this temple going up in flames or will the foundation and structure hold? Will the ministry continue after this building is no more? What have I done or what I am doing to prepare for that?

In alot of ways I think, "burn the old building and start fresh today". There are structures within me that are worn out and need newness. There are opinions and attitudes that could use a fresh coat of paint. There is excess in me that needs to be streamlined and refined.

My prayer today... "God, please give me a brand new building. Refine me so that I can please you with every aspect of my life."

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