Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obedience over Success

Ok I admit it... the closer I come to my 40th birthday the more I wonder about the significance of my life. What have I done with this life God has given me so far?

20 years ago my measure of success would have involved loving God, a big job, big income to go with it, a happy husband and 2.5 children and the white picket fence. What the last 20 years have taught me is that there are far more important things; the gifts God has given me and what I have done with those gifts are how success will be defined in my life.

I was listening to a new CD this morning and Jimmy Needham sang about how my obedience will be the measure of success and it struck me. There is no greater way to keep me on the path of God's will that will lead me face to face with my Creator; hopefully hearing "Well done, good and faithful servant". That will be ultimate success.

So my future will not be measured by success or human significance but by my obedience to my Father in heaven.

Thank you Father for the your truth in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rochelle! I just found your blog on FB! So excited that I get to follow you! And this post is so true. I want to be obedient and here Him say "Well done". If you get a chance, check out my blog too:

