Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Picture of His Love

Luke 4:16-21

What a POWERFUL MOMENT!! I wish I could have been there. Here he was - reading scripture of a prophet who foretold His coming. I love where He finished reading and says to them, "Today scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." He was the Savior they had learned about all these years. It didn't end well - that's the sad part. These people couldn't accept what He said. Here was the opportunity of a lifetime that God had sat before them and they couldn't see it for what it was.

I don't blame God for His anger with the people of Israel as described in Genesis. Here's the difference... although there was judgement in Genesis, God still brought a Savior, Jesus. And even when rejected, He still carried out the plan. It is because of this intense love I am in relationship with Christ. Love that has surpassed all time despite human logic that would have squelched it long ago.

Could I be capable of that love? Only by the power of the Spirit within me - not in my own strength. My love has the ability to hang on when it should let go. God's love brings freedom - my love often has strings and expectations.

God, thank you for showing pictures of your love in scripture. I learned that the power of Your love, Your plan will not be hindered by humans. I learned that You will continue to reveal yourself to us even when we reject You because the power of Your love is so great. Teach me to love as You love with freedom, not expectations. Transform my way of thinking so its more in line with You.